Introductory seminar or compliance check for HR/Payroll?

What is the role of the payroll department in your company?

  • Is it just processing the changes in the system so that the salaries are paid or is it more? If it is more, what is your expectation in terms of competences?
  • Who takes care of all the queries in the company so that the employees’ wages are processed and paid correctly?
  • Who is responsible for implementing the legal changes? How do you get this information? How are these correctly implemented in payroll accounting?
  • How well are the processes defined and documented? Do you in management have an overview of whether all the necessary steps with the authorities and insurance companies are in fact being carried out, or is the team behind schedule for some reason?
  • Is payroll accounting set up correctly and are new fringe benefits implemented on an ongoing basis? Who has the task of checking such benefits for social security and tax obligations before they are introduced / communicated to employees?
  • Does your payroll software meet the requirements and has it been ELM 5.0 certified?


I keep noticing that not all questions in the companies can be answered right away. This is the case regardless of how big the company is.

The complexity of correctly managed payroll accounting has increased in recent years.
The reasons for this are numerous:

  • Employees are becoming increasingly mobile and do not only work at their normal workplace
  • As a result of the various efforts to attract new employees, the remuneration elements are being expanded, for example, or the possibility of working from anywhere is being offered to be and remain as attractive as possible as an employer.
  • Hiring employees who are resident abroad and who hardly or only partially work on site in Switzerland
  • The flexibilisation of employment conditions such as part-time, on-call work, etc. with the impact especially in the area of labor law and social security


If you have outsourced payroll accounting, it is not automatically guaranteed that everything will be done correctly, because payroll accounting can only be correct if all the necessary information flows to the outsourcer and the outsourcer understands himself not only as an executor but also as an advisor and can point out possible challenges to you.

A compliance check with an action plan and regular input can help you minimise the risks. This leads from legal issues and the contractual agreements to the correct implementation in the payroll software and the necessary processes and controls for HR and finance. I can gladly support you in this process.

Or a compact training course instead?
For people who are newly responsible for payroll accounting or those who have outsourced payroll accounting, I offer a compact introduction to payroll accounting in Switzerland. This will give you an overview of the most important topics and contexts.

The next seminar in German is shown on the following link:

For those interested who do not understand German, the training can be booked on other dates through GPA in English:

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