Processes and documentation

Do you have specific internal and external requirements regarding your HR and Payroll processes? How well are you documented?

You can organise many aspects in advance so that the workload is kept within limits thereafter. Let us review your processes and documentation together and make adjustments where necessary!


Process implementation and review

I will gladly create / develop or review your payroll and / or HR processes and information flows.

Implementation process for legal changes

Occasionally, there is a missing process as to who is responsible for the recording and implementation of legal changes in the company. Together, we will work out the internal or external options and define the parties to involve.

Implementation process for new remuneration elements

Are you clarifying in advance what administrative and cost implications a newly introduced remuneration element will have? I will support you in order to proactively avoid unpleasant surprises or even incorrect payroll calculation / declaration.

Legal documentation requirements

I observe that it is often unclear what must be documented for later audits or controls. This can vary depending on the situation and industry. I develop / adapt checklists and instructions, in particular considering the provisions of the data protection law.

Documentation and 4-eyes principle / payroll deputies

Are you prepared if your only payroll person(s) is absent? How well are the sources of information and processes for a payroll run documented? How is the payroll check carried out? I will gladly analyse the possibilities and necessary steps together with you.

Reconciliation payroll accounting / financial accounting

It is not always clear which accounting-relevant process is carried out by which person or department.

How, for example, is the reimbursement of compensation for loss of earnings booked and processed in payroll accounting? Who is responsible for the release of provisions, e.g. for bonuses? How is the cycle of employee participation-relevant bookings to managed in an international environment? Who reconciles the accounts between payroll and financial

accounting? How are VAT-relevant entries from payroll correctly posted? These are just a few of the many questions that need to be answered.

I develop or revise the necessary processes and documentations and train the employees involved.

Ingo Heymanns, VR President, Managing Director
In my many years of working with Brigitte Zulauf [at PwC], I have come to know her as someone who approaches issues in a solution-oriented and practical manner; and who can draw on her broad wealth of knowledge and experience from a wide variety of tax and legal fields to find holistic answers.


Tax at source Taxes 17.10.2024

Information regarding the "Certificate in the event of termination of employment during the year for employees resident in France" published

At the meeting held on 16.10.2024, the Federal Council decided to bring the “Federal Act on the Taxation of Teleworking” into force on 1 January 2025. In this context, the document amending the Withholding Tax Ordinance (QStV) with effect from 1 January 2025 has also been published. In a previous blog, I mentioned the employer […]
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